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Writer's pictureAngel of Ephesus

Reality and Education: The Location of Pyramids All Over The World

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

I use to study Egypt all the time when I was young. I love Greek mythology and ancient civilizations. At one time I wanted to be an archeologist. My goal was to see the pyramids before I died, and discover lost cities. I was facinated in their beauty and the architecture of their buildings and the stories that came with the people before us. I didn't care to much for their religion, but their beliefs were facinating.

Did you know that Egypt is Not the only place on earth that has pyramids?

Pyramids can be found in the United States, Italy, Mexico, Peru and of course Egypt. As you read about each pyramid, you will learn that these civilizations believed in nearly the Exact same dieties, as well as practiced death rituals and burials in the Exact same fashion. The worship of many gods goes deeper: it connects each area. Thus making one (or at least myeself) wonder...was this the One World Religion of old?

1.Pyramids of the United States

Pyramids in Illinois

Just east of St. Louis, near Collinsville, Illinois is the largest earth mound in the western hemisphere. It is 30 metres high and dates back to 1100-1400 AD.

“The largest of these mounds, Monk’s Mound covers 16 acres; it rests on a base 1,037 feet long and 790 feet wide, with a total volume of approximately 21,690,000 cubic feet, a base and total volume greater than that of the pyramid of Khufu, the largest in Egypt. In all the world, only the pyramids at Cholula and Teotihuacan in central Mexico surpass the Cahokia pyramid in size and total volume. No other structure in the United States approached the size of the Cahokia pyramid until the building of airplane hangars, the Pentagon, and skyscrapers in the twentieth century.” [1]

Ohio Pyramids

Thousands of years ago, Native American peoples populated the Ohioan landscape with mounds and massive earthworks. Initial research attributed the effigy to the Adena culture, which flourished from 1000 BC to 100 AD. The Adena culture are well-known for building burial and effigy mounds, many of which are located near the Great Serpent Mound. However, radiocarbon dating on pieces of charcoal found within the Serpent Mound established that people worked on the mound around 1070 AD. Thus, the mound may have been built by the Fort Ancient peoples, who lived in the Ohio Valley from 1000 CE to 1550 CE. Nevertheless, the testing is not conclusive as it only reveals that 1000-year-old charcoal was found within the mound. This could have ended up there long after the effigy was originally built.

Interpretations of the Serpent Mound

The most predominant theory is that the Serpent Mound represents a giant snake, which is slowly uncoiling itself and about to seize a huge egg within its extended jaws. However many theories abound suggesting various interpretations. For instance, some think it may represent an eclipse, or the phases of the moon. Others have speculated that it represents the myth of the horned serpent found in many Native American cultures. In 1909, local German Baptist minister Landon West proposed another unusual theory: the serpent was writhing in its death throes as punishment for tempting Adam and Eve in what West believed was the original Garden of Eden.

There are serious suggestions that the serpent is intimately connected with the heavens. Several writers have suggested that the serpent is a model of the constellation we call the Little Dipper, its tail coiled about the North Star.

2.Pyramids of Italy

Pyramid of Cetius

The Pyramid of Cestius was most likely built between 18 and 12 BC. The 36 meter (about 120 feet) high pyramid was built as a tomb for a wealthy Roman under the sway of all things Egyptian. Little is known about the man who may have once been buried here, since the tomb was long ago ransacked and the land around it has changed dramatically over the centuries. Now at the edge of a busy traffic intersection near a major train stop, originally the pyramid was well outside of the center of the city, surrounded by stately columns and two bronze figures (now in the Musei Capitolini)

Pyramids of Sicily

Sicily, the Mediterranean's biggest island (26,000 km²), located at the crossroads of many civilizations, reveals a human presence going back as far as the end of the Pleistocene. In fact drawings can be found in caves on this island dating from 6000-8000 BC, in the Addaura caves near Palermo for example, and on the Aegadian islands. Many remains from the Upper Paleolithic are to be found.

This island was the scene of numerous episodes in the mythological life of the Graeco-Roman gods; its cultural heritage is extremely rich, its early remains very diverse. Only one aspect of this heritage is unrecognized: the pyramids. It is precisely those I went to seek out for a detailed exploration with my team.

So-called "primitive" agricultural communities settled around the Aegean Sea around 6000 BC. It is said that progress towards civilization in this region was slow, way behind that of Egypt and Mesopotamia. However the truth might be more complex than that.

In the Odyssey, Homer refers to Sicily as Sikania (in classical texts it is also called Sikelia) and mentions the Sicanian Mountains. This is why one of the three native peoples of Sicily was named the Sicani (Sikanoi or Sicanians). They were probably there from 3000-1600 BC, from the earlier proto-Sican period, where various Mediterranean influences reached the Neolithic population that was based more in the central and western part of the island.

Much of our knowledge concerning the ancient Sicilians comes from Greek authors such as Diodorus of Sicily, but they say little about the Sicani. The Greek historian Thucydides (460-394 BC), father of scientific history and political realism, considered the Sicani to be a tribe from Iberia.

3.Pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt

Saqqara was the necropolis and sacred centre for the great city of Memphis, the remains of which can be seen nearby. This great city was founded about 3,000 B.C. by the first pharaoh of Egypt.

The name Serapeum is most often used to refer to the burial place of the sacred Apis bulls at Saqqara. It consisted of a huge underground complex to the north-west of the Step Pyramid of Djoser where the bulls were buried in enormous granite sarcophagi between the 18thDynasty and Ptolemaic times.

The pharaoh commonly referred to as Djoser was actually known by the name Netjerikhet (“Body of the Gods”) in his own time and was not known as Djoser until the New Kingdom Period. He was the first king of the Third Dynasty and ruled from about 2667 to 2648 BC, around 20 years, although some Egyptologists argue his rule was closer to 30 years.

4.Pyramids of Teotihuacan

In relation to other Mesoamerican cultures Teotihuacan was contemporary with the early Classic Maya (250 - 900 CE) but earlier than the Toltec civilization (900-1150 CE). Located in the valley of the same name, the city first formed between 150 BCE and 200 CE and benefitted from a plentiful supply of spring water which was channelled through irrigation. The largest structures at the site were completed before the 3rd century CE, and the city reached its peak in the 4th century CE with a population as high as 200,000. Teotihuacan is actually the Aztec name for the city, meaning "Place of the Gods"; unfortunately, the original name is yet to be deciphered from surviving name glyphs at the site.

Imagery such as the feathered-serpent god and the owl representative of warfare are just two examples of Teotihuacan iconography that became ubiquitous across Mesoamerica.

Teotihuacan cast a long cultural shadow through history and, 1,000 years after its peak, the last great Pre-Columbian civilization, the Aztecs, revered the city as the origin of civilization. They believed Teotihuacan was where the gods had created the present era, including the fifth and present sun. The Aztec king Montezuma, for example, made several pilgrimages to the site during his reign in homage to the gods and the early rulers of Teotihuacan, who were "wise men, knowers of occult things, possessors of the traditions" and whose tombs were the site's great pyramids, built for them, according to legend, by giants in the distant but not forgotten past.

Now that we can see the ancient civilizations are linked together by thier buildings and if you looked into their belifes and religious ideologies you can link them together as an ancient one world system. Understanding of what once was and what will be again gives us insight to the plans classified as the New World Order. Things are not conspiracy when you can prove them true. Some times truth hurts and its hard to believe but truth is truth.

The Freemasons have hidden the old language into everything. They have trasformed their buildings, their logos, their pledges into the old civilizations so they can continue to worship Isis, Horus, the snake god or any other god that had his name changed over time. Saying goes: Nothing new, only the names have changed..

Ancient Egyptian history author, Alphonse Mariette, wrote of the Egyptian mystery schools, “To the initiated of the sanctuary, no doubt, was reserved the knowledge of the god in the abstract, the god concealed in the unfathomable depths of his own essence. But for the less refined adoration of the people were presented the endless images of deities sculptured on the walls of temples.” The very same could be said of Freemasonry.

It is Freemasonry’s aim to educate an initiate on the god concealed in the unfathomable depths of his own essence, represented by the letter G in the middle of the square and compasses, symbolizing the divine spark within, the god essence of oneself.

The Christian Priest, Origen, said that, "The Egyptian philosophers have sublime notions with regard to the Divine nature, which they kept secret, and never discover to the people but under a veil of fables and allegories.” Once again, we see the similarities to the teaching methods of Freemasonry which is performed by way of symbolism and allegory and never revealed to the uninitiated (known as cowans).

Other similarities between Freemasonry and the Egyptian Mystery Schools are seen in certain Masonic symbols and initiatic procedures.

When he first enters a lodge room for initiation, the candidate for Freemasonry is blindfolded and has a rope tied around his neck by which he is led in a circuit of the room. This rope is called a cable tow.


The cable tow is purely Masonic in meaning and use, but as with many Masonic symbols it is rooted in antiquity. Vases from ancient Mexico have been unearthed that show candidates proceeding through a ceremony of initiation in which they are being taught a sign while wearing a noosed rope around their necks. In the religious ceremonies of the Brahmins, Greeks and Druids, halters were worn around an initiate’s neck. In the mystery schools of Ancient Egypt, a chain was placed around a candidate’s neck as part of his preparation for initiation. As in Freemasonry, the Egyptian candidate was also blindfolded to represent a state of darkness before emerging into the light of knowledge when the blindfold was removed.


When a candidate becomes a Freemason, he is presented with a white apron consisting of a square overlaid with a triangle. The apex of the triangular flap represents the divine spark we must endeavor to recover. It is the part of us made in the image of our Creator, and there’s no better geometric figure to symbolize this than the triangle. After all, geometrically a triangle is the very first shape that can be made by drawing straight lines. This is why the number 3 was venerated by the ancients and still is to this day.


In Judaism, the triangle represents the past, present and future. To the Chinese: heaven, earth and water. To the Hindus: creation, preservation and renewal. The three points of the triangle also represent the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the collective unconscious. The Ancient Egyptian ceremony of initiation led the candidate to a door shaped exactly as a Masonic apron: a triangle over a square, symbolizing his progression from an earthly, material existence (square) into a heavenly, spiritual existence of higher learning (triangle).

Even today these symbols of gods grace our military service men.

Congressional Medal of Honor:

Recoiling from Minerva is a man clutching snakes in his hands. He represented DISCORD and the insignia came to be known as "Minerva Repulsing Discord". Taken in the context of the Civil War soldiers and sailors struggling to overcome the discord of the states and preserve the Union, the design was as fitting as it was symbolic.

The ribbon that held the medal was originally a blue bar on top and 13 red and white stripes running vertically. The 13 represents the original 13 colonies. The color white represents purity and innocence, red represents hardiness, valor and blood, blue signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. The stripes also represent the rays of the sun.

Our Money

Jefferson and Franklin: Pharaohs and Turkeys

We know of one connection between ancient Egypt and the origins of American paper money: the pyramid on the reverse of the Great Seal. However, if Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson had had their way, the Great Seal of the United States might have featured an Egyptian pharaoh. Our notes might also have featured not the proud eagle but an entirely different bird.

The seal that Franklin and Jefferson advocated symbolized an Egyptian pharaoh sitting in an open chariot with a crown on his head and a sword in his hand, passing through the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the Israelites. The motto they favored was "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." In fact, Jefferson so strongly supported this idea that he used it on his own personal seal.

In addition, Franklin was very much in favor of using the turkey as America's national bird. He expressed this choice ardently to his daughter in a letter, explaining that the eagle is "a bird of bad moral character." Franklin noted that the turkey, on the other hand, is a "more respectable bird and...a true original native of America."

The reverse of the Great Seal features an unfinished pyramid, which Thomson states signifies "strength and duration." The pyramid is composed of 13 rows of building blocks, on the first of which are the Roman numerals representing 1776. The Latin inscription "Novus Ordo Seclorum" translates to "A New Order of the Ages." Thomson explains that this refers to the new form of government. Influenced by the poetry of Virgil, he composed this motto himself, writing that it signified "the beginning of the new American Era." At the top of the pyramid is an eye, with rays that emanate in all directions. Above the eye, the Latin motto "Annuit Coeptis" translates to "Providence Has Favored Our Undertakings," which Thomson explains "alludes to the many signal interpositions of providence in favor of the American cause."

Eye of Providence

Today, the Eye of Providence is often associated with Freemasonry. The Eye first appeared as part of the standard iconography of the Freemasons in 1797, with the publication of Thomas Smith Webb's Freemasons Monitor.[7] Here, it represents the all-seeing eye of God and is a reminder that man's thoughts and deeds are always observed by God (who is referred to in Masonry as the Great Architect of the Universe). Typically, the Masonic Eye of Providence has a semi-circular glory below it. Sometimes this Masonic Eye is enclosed by a triangle.

Seems like they are trying to resurrect what Yah had destroyed for a reason.

For more information:

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Jonthan Kleck: What is printed on US Money

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