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Writer's pictureAngel of Ephesus

Reality: What You Must Know about the COVID-19 Vaccine - Luciferase Enzyme

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

Disclaimer: All information gathered in this post comes off the makers of this vaccine as well as other scientific articles that reference the makers of this vaccine, along with evidence that goes along with the creation process of this vaccine. (For a more in-depth sermon there is a link below to Spotify)

I am hereby exercising my 1st Amendment rights which states and guarantees states

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Abridging means in law: : to diminish or reduce in scope [no State shall make or enforce any law which shall the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States "U.S. Constitution amend. XIV"]

You read the title right. Luciferase is the enzyme named in this new vaccine. Why Lucifer? Because everything is either about Abba Yah/The Lord God Almighty or it's about the worshiping of Satan and the other fallen angels that rule this world the way it is now. (see post on Who Rules the World the Way it is Now. The Bible is clear on who's world this is now). You will learn in the post about DNA, mRNA, Translation, Proteins, and how they are using animals to manipulate our genes in the sake of finding a "cure" for COVID-19.

What is A Virus?

Viruses are microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body. 

Predominantly, viruses have a reputation for being the cause of contagion. Widespread events of disease and death have no doubt bolstered such a reputation. The 2014 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, and the 2009 H1N1/swine flu pandemic (a widespread global outbreak) likely come to mind. While such viruses certainly are wily foes for scientists and medical professionals, others of their ilk have been instrumental as research tools, furthering the understanding of basic cellular processes such as the mechanics of protein synthesis and of viruses themselves. 

Who Is Promega?

Promega is a core supplier in the fight against COVID-19, we serve research, pharmaceutical, and diagnostics labs developing testing kits and researching treatment options. Scientists in research, clinical, and pharmaceutical labs around the world are engaged in intensive efforts to understand SARS-CoV-2 biology, and to develop effective testing methods and treatments. We are committed to supporting their efforts, and continue to increase production of COVID-19 related reagents and instruments in response to this unprecedented global demand. 

Understanding how the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters host cells is a potential first step to developing a treatment or preventing infection. Viral entry is dependent on protein interactions between a host cell surface receptor and the viral proteins. Protein to protein interaction assays are a valuable tool for studying these interactions. NanoBiT® and NanoBRET™ technologies provide the sensitivity necessary to detect protein to protein interactions at the concentrations expressed in vivo. Both are bio luminescence-based methods that are particularly useful in viral studies due to the small size and bright signal of the luciferase used.

What is NanoBit?

NanoLuc® Binary Technology (NanoBiT®) is a two-subunit system based on NanoLuc® luciferase that can be used for intracellular detection of protein to protein interactions (PPIs; 1). Large BiT (LgBiT; 17.6kDa) and Small BiT (SmBiT; 11 amino acids) subunits are fused to proteins of interest (Figure 1), and when expressed, the PPI brings the subunits into close proximity to form a functional enzyme that generates a bright, luminescent signal.

What is luciferase?

Luciferase are enzymes that produce light when they oxidize their substrate. The gene for the most common luciferase comes from the firefly, but luciferases from other animals such as the sea pansy Renilla reniformis, the copepod Gaussia princeps, and the ostracod Cypridina noctiluca are also used as reporters. When a luciferase is fused to a protein of interest, its expression can be measured very accurately using a luminometer. The firefly luciferase reaction requires its substrate luciferin, plus adenosine triphosphate (ATP), O2, and Mg2+. The Renilla and Gaussia luciferases use coelenterazine as their substrates; Cypridina uses its own luciferin as a substrate. Luciferases are commonly used to report the expression level of proteins to which they are fused.

Whats an Ostracod?

Ostracods are amazing small crustaceans, which inhabit virtually all aquatic environments on Earth. The group is characterized by a body completely enclosed between two valves which, in many species, occur as calcified “shells”. Thus, they have a "seed"-like appearance, and therefore are also known by the term "seed shrimps" or "mussel shrimps"

Whats a Copepod?

Copepods are small aquatic crustaceans and are one of the most numerous metazoan groups in aquatic communities. Copepods inhabit a huge range of salinities, from fresh water to hypersaline conditions, and they can be found virtually everywhere there is water; from subterranean caves to pools collected in bromeliad leaves or in damp leaf litter on the ground; from streams, rivers, and lakes to the open ocean and the sediment layers beneath. Their habitats range from the highest mountain lakes to the deepest ocean trenches and from the cold, polar ice-water interface to the hot, active hydrothermal vents.

Whats a Firefly?

Fireflies are familiar, but few realize that these insects are actually beetles; they are one of the nocturnal members of the family Lampyridae. Most fireflies are winged, which distinguishes them from other luminescent insects of the same family, commonly known as glowworms.

What's a Sea Pansy?

Sea pansies are purple, fleshy, leaf-shaped marine organisms that live on sandy or muddy sediment. It is a colonial organism, which consists of several individual organisms of the same species living closely together on one structure. The sea pansy colony is divided into a flattened, heart-shaped structure (called the rachis) and a stem (called the peduncle). The peduncle extends into the sand and serves as an anchor for the colony.

***Bottom Line this New Vaccine is injecting Another Species into Your DNA via your Protein. Let's continue...

Luciferases comprise a group of enzymes that emit light in the presence of oxygen and a substrate (luciferin). Such a luciferin–luciferase system is found in nature; for example, in bacteria (Vibrio harveyi), dinoflagellates (Gonycaulax), and the firefly (Photinus pyralis). These luciferases, in particular, the eukaryotic firefly luciferase (Luc), have been commonly used as a light probe in a number of biological experiments, including promoter activity assays. Furthermore, thanks to recent advances in high-sensitivity photon-counting video cameras, a number of studies have employed Luc as a reporter gene in real-time noninvasive in vivo imaging. This in vivo imaging allows the visualization of the spatial and temporal behavior of Luc-expressing cells in living animals; for example, growth of tumor cells, trafficking of immune cells, and migration of transplanted cells. These imaging studies using Luc-labeled cells have offered new insights that could not have been gained using conventional histological approaches.

Matt Carter, Jennifer C. Shieh, in Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience, 2010 states the following:

"A luciferase assay is used to determine if a protein can activate or repress the expression of a target gene. Unlike the ChIP or EMSA assays, which only assess the ability of a protein to interact with a region of DNA, a luciferase assay is able to establish a functional connection between the presence of the protein and the amount of gene product that is produced. This assay is unable to determine whether the protein directly interacts with DNA itself; the protein could indirectly affect transcription by activating or repressing a distinct protein that itself directly affects transcription."

  • What is Transcription of DNA? (Dr. Parvey, my biology professor would be so proud I paid attention. No Information is ever useless. Remember that! She was my environmental science professor too. )

Transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). DNA safely and stably stores genetic material in the nuclei of cells as a reference, or template. Meanwhile, mRNA is comparable to a copy from a reference book because it carries the same information as DNA but is not used for long-term storage and can freely exit the nucleus. Although the mRNA contains the same information, it is not an identical copy of the DNA segment because its sequence is complementary to the DNA template.

  • What is mRNA?

Without mRNA, your genetic code would never get used by your body. Proteins would never get made. And your body wouldn’t – actually, couldn’t – perform its functions. Messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA for short, plays a vital role in human biology, specifically in a process known as protein synthesis. mRNA is a single-stranded molecule that carries genetic code from DNA in a cell’s nucleus to ribosomes, the cell’s protein-making machinery

Texas Medical Center

“The great thing about luciferase, and the one that we specifically use, which is nanoluciferase, is that it’s really bright,” said Coleman Baker, a fourth-year graduate student in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at UTMB who works in the Shi Lab. “We found that these detection assays can be read earlier than most people thought. Most people would do these 24 to 48 hours after infection and we found that you can read them as early as 4 hours post-infection.

Not only does the enhanced brightness provided by luciferase decrease turnaround time for a diagnosis, but it also helps speed up the process of vaccine development.

“For vaccine studies, you need to find out how much of a response somebody has to a potential vaccine,” Baker said. “So, instead of the traditional way—which could take days—we can get results in four hours after infection.”

Shi said his team has been collaborating with leading pharmaceutical companies to help them evaluate their vaccine candidates, specifically by measuring the immune response in humans in clinical trials. His lab’s system—based on reporter viruses in which the luciferase enzyme is inserted into the virus’ genome to make it easy to follow—measures the concentration of neutralizing antibodies while also allowing for a much higher throughput. According to Xuping Xie, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UTMB, this way of measuring the immune response is more accurate than traditional methods.

Genetic Engineering Could Make Covid-19 Vaccine in Months

Instead, labs are turning to gene-based vaccines. Scientists use information from the genome of the virus to create a blueprint of select antigens. The blueprint is made of DNA or RNA—molecules that hold genetic instructions. The researchers then inject the DNA or RNA into human cells. The cell’s machinery uses the instructions to make virus antigens that the immune system reacts to. Cells respond to the instructions as a normal part of their daily existence. This is the same trait infectious viruses exploit; they cannot reproduce on their own, so they use a cell’s machinery to make copies of themselves. They burst out of the cell and infect more cells, widening the infection.

DNA-plasmid vaccines work by transferring the genetic blueprint to RNA in the cell machinery, which makes the spike antigens, however, scientists can skip the plasmid step by embedding a blueprint in a strand of RNA—a second approach known as RNA vaccines. The RNA is carried in lipids that are injected into the body; lipids are fatty molecules that can pass easily into cells. Research shows that RNA vaccines may be better than DNA plasmids at mobilizing the immune system to create antibodies. They also seem to induce more potent immunity—a stronger memory in the immune system—and therefore require lower doses. Some RNA vaccines are in early-stage clinical trials for other viral illnesses, including rabies, HIV/AIDS, and Zika. Moderna in Cambridge, Mass., is using this approach for SARS-CoV-2.

Luciferase used in Cancer Treatment

The objective of the project presented here was to develop an efficient, nonradioactive firefly luciferase-based cytotoxicity assay system compatible with dividing and primary, nondividing APC, while also suitable for high-throughput screening of cytotoxicity of immunotherapeutic formats. More specifically, the assay should robustly allow the assessment of antigen-specific CTL responses, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC).

To this end, instead of using a plasmid-based reporter gene delivery, a gene-encoding RNA was used. RNA is a versatile format to not only deliver the nonradioactive firefly luciferase reporter into the target cells, but also allow the antigen to be recognized by the respective immune effectors. Gene-encoding RNA for engineering of cells has the advantages of being easy to produce in large amounts by in vitro transcription (IVT) and easy to deliver by electroporation without compromising cell viability and, since it does not need to enter the nucleus, it is also an efficient system to transfect both dividing and nondividing cells. Furthermore, this approach circumvents transcriptional regulation issues faced when using DNA plasmids

This Screen shot is from a pdf file from the FDA- Food And Drug Administration

the rest of the presentation can be found using this link:

What are adverse events? Department of Health and Human Services

An event, preventable or nonpreventable, that caused harm to a patient as a result of medical care. This includes never events; hospital-acquired conditions; events that required life-sustaining intervention; and events that caused prolonged hospital stays, permanent harm, or death.

Any time there is genetic alteration, we must understand that goes against everything Abba Yah stands for. I'm not calling this vaccine the mark of the beast because I am not God, and when I don't know something 100%, I am not going to say I do. However it's important to know that your DNA will be altered with this vaccine and that is definitely not God.

I hear many of you saying "Didn't God give them the insight to make the cure?"

My answer is this: If He was the one who made the cure, then DNA manipulation would not occur nor would the vaccine contain a luminescent aspect from other animals, as we know that mixing animal DNA is wrong nor would it be named Lucifer!

Leviticus 19:19

19 "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee."

1 Corinthians 15:38-39

To Listen to the sermon more in-depth search River City Revival or use this Spotify link:

Information on Cancer Treatment and luciferase

Information on Promega

Bio-Chemical Assays

Luciferase- Science Direct- Neuroscience-(This Has many studies, Not just Covid)

Information on NanoBit Protien- PDF- Contains Step by step directions with nice photos

Information on DNA mRNA...

Information on DNA, RNA Transcription

Information on Ostracoda

Information on Copepods

Information on Fireflies

Information on Sea Pansy

Information on Virus

Information on Genetic Engeneering

Adverse Effects- Department of Health and Human Services

FDA PDF File on Adverse Effects of Covid-19

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